Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Post from Krista (Caleb's wife)...

This is my first, and quite probably my only, blog entry ever! But it was worth creating a Blogger account so I can write on behalf of my studly husband's recent dedication to body and health renewal.

The short version of my take on his transformation is that his outside now matches his inside. Strong, ready, fearless, ageless, and a general feeling of "Don't mess with my three ladies." Obviously that does not touch on his kind, gracious and loving side, but that isn't what we are talking about here.

The longer version would include these few things: I am happy that his heart doesn't have to beat as many times every 24 hours. I am glad that we save 99 cents a day, on Totinos pizzas :) I am also very happy for myself and our two daughters, who now have reason to believe that he will live with us for many more years. Plus, let me be candid, he looks hot.

This man can do anything he sets out to do - and do it with style - and I'm glad that Fitness Together put it in his mind to take care of his health.