A good thing:
Wednesday I weighed myself for the first time in a week. After only four workouts and (perhaps more importantly) a full week of eating appropriate sized portions of what the trainers told me to, I've lost 7 pounds. Woot!
A wild thing:
Thursday, during my workout, I was doing a set of squat+kick out to pushup stance+jump back in+jump as high in the air as possible, combined with crunches where I pass an oversized ball from my feet to my hands and touch the ground at both ends.
After two sets I was panting, drinking water for 30 seconds, when I found myself thinking, “I could do one more set. I hope he says we’re going through it one more time.” That was definitely a first! And turns out, we did.
A funny thing:
One of the designers at my office said, “Go get ‘em tiger” to me as I left for FT on Friday. It cracked me up. I haven’t heard anyone say that since 6th grade football.