Before my first workout, I could already see the value of the trainer in setting goals and keeping an accountable, balanced approach to meals. But this is where it really hit home.
He walked me through every exercise before I did it, so I didn't have to spend any time wondering what to do or if my form was doing more damage than good. Not to mention shaping what exercises are included in the Circuit, to give me the most benefit and progress toward my goals.
Julian has told me that every year he trains people, he is increasingly convinced that everyone wants to be healthy. And although many people blame bad discipline, we all have areas in our personal and professional lives where we are very disciplined. The Fitness Together approach starts with commitments made by me, and then a trainer helping me stick to my commitments.
It's hard to over-describe the value of someone right there, counting down the number of reps left. Even for someone who isn't the type to give up, it's great to having someone right beside you making sure you don't overdo, but that you push right up to the edge of what is possible.