Fitness Together isn't a gym, it's one on one training, around the goals that you set. During my fitness assessment, Kyle Johnston (who manages FT Frazier) sat down with me for 45 minutes to create a fitness plan based on where I am and where I want to be. As they say: "A complete workout program for you, with specific, realistic and measurable goals. Along with advice on medical screening and a common-sense nutrition plan that enhances the physical results of your workouts."
The key here are those specific, measurable goals. Julian says that it's ridiculous to assume that one workout fits all people of all ages, sizes, shapes and fitness levels. We all have different starting points. So we set three 6 week goals that are very specific, down to the day of the week.
For example, "Better diet" is too abstract to be really helpful. So a specific, measurable goal might be to eat a healthy breakfast three days a week... but even this isn't specific enough. A good example of the right kind of goal: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am going to eat a breakfast of one complete protein (such as natural peanut butter), one serving of whole grain bread, and one fruit or vegetable.
After helping develop these goals, it's the trainer's job to push and encourage you toward reaching them... and at the end of the first 6 weeks, to sit down together again to set new goals that build upon the success to date.