How does it fit into my schedule, working out 5x a week? I know that many of FT's clients do not sign on to work out as often as I am doing... but even slotting in 2x a week can take some serious planning.
My solution? I typically take my lunch hour to work out, then eat at my desk afterward. If I know I'll have a lunch meeting then I come in early morning or, last resort, after hours. Kyle (the manager at Frazier) and Grey (the manager at Gunbarrel) are both great about finding times that work for their clients.
But I admit, there are days that it does crunch my time. Like many folks, I have a lot on my plate at work and some days it would free things up if I pushed exercise to the back burner. On those days, I remember that I committed to this program in order to re-educate my mind, stomach and body on how to eat better, to get healthy and then to stay fit. This was worth starting, and it's worth seeing through to the finish.
And this is certainly not something that's limited to those with full time jobs. Out at the Gunbarrel studio last week, the trainers introduced me to Stephanie. Like so many moms (including my lovely wife), she manages not only her own schedule but also the often-crazy schedules of her kids. In the midst of a day spent shuttling kids from here to there, Stephanie sets aside time for strength training and cardio. Another reminder that moms are rock stars.