Last week I was invited to be interviewed on the radio with Julian (FT owner) and Cindy Wallace. Cindy is an amazing woman, who made a choice a little over a year ago to get in shape, for all sorts of great reasons. I asked her to write out her story... it's so much better in her own words.
July 2007: I am 47 years old and am in the best shape of my life.
How can that be? I was always the last one to be picked for teams any time I played sports with neighborhood kids or in PE classes. My high school PE grade actually hurt my GPA!
A little over a year ago, my doctor warned me that my cholesterol was too high. He wanted me to try diet and exercise to lower it, so I joined Fitness Together. After spending the last 25 years of my life putting my family and their needs first, I decided to make me the priority.
Having the accountability and encouragement that come with a personal trainer is key, but with Fitness Together I knew that I would get much more. Fitness Together’s nutrition consulting comes from trainers who are certified and experienced. Their private studios let me to work out one-on-one with the trainers, rather than endure the stares and distractions in public gyms.
One year since I started with Fitness Together, I am strong and healthy. My cholesterol has dropped 51 points and is well below normal. I have lost 32 pounds and 5 dress sizes! I have more energy, confidence, and strength.
More importantly, I have a new lifestyle. I enjoy eating healthy foods and working out. It has become a habit and a way of living that will endure all the days of my life. For the first time in my life, I can say that I am an athlete… and it feels great to say it!
I do regret that I did not do this sooner. I would have been a better wife and mother had I taken better care of myself. Working out has definitely reduced my stress level and I am much happier.
Cindy Wallace
It's been a ton of fun to meet people like Cindy who decided to change their lifestyle. Nice to be part of that group, myself.