The Walnut Street Walking Bridge the longest walking bridge in the world, a half-mile each way.
At this point in my 12 week program we are pushing pretty hard and at the end of every workout I'm definitely spent. But that's a great time to do cardio (after you've already had your heartrate up for 45 minutes of training), and I end each session with 15 minutes on the stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical machine. A run across the bridge seemed like a nice change from looking at the bridge and our scenic city from the windows of the FT studio.
Okay, okay, I admit that I'm no 25 year old trainer, not even 10 weeks into this program! Upon reaching the far side I told Chris to head on back to the studio, that I needed to rest for a minute. Of course, he was polite enough to pretend like he needed to stretch out a bit too, take a 3 minute breather.
But the skies were grey in that way that seems to capture so much history of Chattanooga - our old Civil War, manufacturing and railroad town that has made such an incredible turnaround - and other runners were on this beautiful bridge, and a breeze off the river kept me cool despite the humidity. It was a great way to start the weekend.