Today was my last workout. Well, not my last workout, because I’m going to continue working with a trainer at Fitness Together two days a week + doing one extra day of cardio. I want this whole life re-thinking of my body will last my whole life.
But today was the last training session of my 12 week program.
As I was doing sprints on the treadmill, it occurred to me that I don’t really feel like the workouts have gotten easier. I know that I can do much more that I could when I started, but it doesn’t FEEL easier. Of course, this is because the trainers are pushing me much harder now than they were.
This is another good reminder of the benefit of training under of watchful, educated eyes. The one on one trainer model keeps you from hurting yourself doing a particular exercise incorrectly, or overexerting and so burning out / giving up. But perhaps even more importantly, they walk with you over a period of time, knowing where to push you harder and where to back off, so you can reach your goals.
Tomorrow I go in for my twelve week assessment - did I reach my goals? How has my body changed, not only externally but internally? Am I stronger? Is my heart stronger? We’ll find out...